The Continuing Decline Of Western Civilization


Compliments of the Season

I'm not a fan of Hitchens, but his Christmas column is fairly nice, and ends with such a solid line: "God damn them. God damn them everyone."

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posted by tcdowc - 9:39 pm - 12.23.05


Look, multiple topics!

Because I'm too lazy to write anything about them.

A Milan court has issued an arrest warrant for CIA operatives who snatched an Egyptian iman in 2003.

Nigeria has decided to offer all AIDS/HIV drugs free in order to combat the disease and the stigmatism.

This one is more complex. A company with the same name as a company that is defending itself against charges of bribing congressfolk has been revealed to be one of the subcontractors for CIFA's attempts to realize Total Information Awareness. From the available documents I was unable to deduce that these companies are one and the same, nor was I able to find out if they weren't.

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posted by tcdowc - 9:02 pm - 12.23.05


Gay cowboy movie depressing, short on sex

Jen reports back from seeing Brokeback Mountain. Her big critic: "Do I have to rent gay porn to see guys kissing? What the hell! The kiss in Dude, Where's My Car? is better. You can imagine my disappointment." She also complains that all the butt-sex is poorly lit and you can't see anything. In the end, somebody dies, and apparently it's very depressing. The Man hates love. So if you like sad stories about how The Man sucks, then go see it. If you want to see The Man actually suck, go rent gay porn.

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posted by tcdowc - 8:35 pm - 12.23.05


No recourse but death

I've written before (on the mailing list) about Abu Bakker Qassim and A'del Abdu al-Hakim, who are Uighurs, a Muslim minority in western China. In 2001 they were picked up by some Pakistani bounty hunters ('we don't need their scum') and sold to the US for around 5 grand each. The bounty hunters claimed that they were Taliban or Al Qaeda, terrorists in any case. They've been locked up in GITMO since then. After three years there, the secret military tribunal declared them to be innocent of all charges. They weren't Taliban, they weren't Al Qaeda, they weren't terrorists. They were captured because they spent some time in an Uighur refugee camp in Afganistan, where they were trained in small arms and dug latrines (no Taliban or Al Qaeda operatives were at the camp). They met their lawyer four months after the trial, and he's been trying to get them out of GITMO since then. Yes, you read that right, they've been declared innocent and they're still in custody. Hilzoy brings us an update.

The judge in the case has issued a decision, in two parts. Number one, they detention of these men is illegal. Number two, there's not a damn thing he can do about.

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posted by tcdowc - 5:35 pm - 12.23.05


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This Blog Is A Failed State - 01.30.07

I'm good thanks for askin' - 10.01.06

Judge bitch-slaps Bush, NSA, and DOJ - 08.17.06

News of the world - 08.15.06

Is lethargy an appropriate response to atrocity? - 07.10.06

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