tcdowc's Diaryland Diary


01.30.07 - This Blog Is A Failed State
10.01.06 - I'm good thanks for askin'
08.17.06 - Judge bitch-slaps Bush, NSA, and DOJ
08.15.06 - News of the world
07.10.06 - Is lethargy an appropriate response to atrocity?
07.03.06 - We heart money
07.03.06 - Quick summaries often leave out important details
06.29.06 - Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, or incompetence is catching up with the Bushies.
06.29.06 - You damn kids! Get off my lawn!
06.28.06 - We need more eunuchs in Congress
06.28.06 - Save The Intarwubs!
06.09.06 - Lollerskates
06.09.06 - Their Houses Appeared To Already Be Poxed
06.02.06 - Nicking from others who are benefiting off of others hard work
06.02.06 - I believe in Chinese manufacturing
05.31.06 - Giblets Is Dead, Long Live Giblets
05.21.06 - The world is fun
05.10.06 - America is fun
05.05.06 - Revenge of Perot - Graphs from beyond the grave
05.05.06 - Drive me to the moon and let me sleep behind the wheel
05.05.06 - Smash and Grab (and Fly)!
05.02.06 - Your healthcare sucks ass
05.02.06 - He'll never work in this town again
05.02.06 - Land of Opportunity to be renamed following corporate buy-out
04.26.06 - The DoD: We Heart Fags
04.17.06 - Let them have cake
04.07.06 - Insert monomaniacal laugh here
04.06.06 - So take off all your clothes
04.06.06 - What an underwhelming comeback
04.04.06 - Anger is like a soul that gets things accomplished
03.09.06 - Quick links before I return to Wampum
03.09.06 - Things you should read, part one
02.28.06 - Quickly, before they come home!
02.28.06 - Willie Nelson and his gay agenda
02.23.06 - hee hee hee ha ha
02.23.06 - Iraq! Iraq! It's down on its back!
02.23.06 - Atrocity only begats more atrocity - It is a barbarous form of incest
02.22.06 - I never get tired of being lazy
02.22.06 - Damn that silly globalization
02.17.06 - I am lazy, part Friday
02.17.06 - We're lulling them into a sense of security
02.17.06 - Indescribably sexy
02.14.06 - Neat links for Teusday evening
02.13.06 - VP goes on hunting expedition, wounds but doesn't kill
02.08.06 - Edumacate yourself
02.08.06 - Trapped in their heads
02.08.06 - Overturning the Age Of Enlightenment
02.08.06 - To Infinity, unless the preacher objects
01.31.06 - The internets can make the world a better place
01.31.06 - Old, new and happy
01.27.06 - Waste your time fools!
01.27.06 - We are so throwing you a shower
01.27.06 - Linkity link link links
01.27.06 - If I close my eyes, you can't see me!
01.27.06 - The King Is Dead, Long Live The King
01.27.06 - Study the Ancients Abroad in Picturesque Detroit!
01.27.06 - Shocking!
01.19.06 - Short Pier
01.19.06 - I am so sick of this shit
01.19.06 - The war on drugs
01.17.06 - Le sigh
01.17.06 - PSA
01.16.06 - Let them eat Prozac!
01.16.06 - Seriously, why does everyone trust these people?
01.16.06 - Whither the dry hump indeed
01.13.06 - Weekend links! or how I blew off my S.O. and ruined our relationship
01.05.06 - Do not look at the Old Ones, for they will steal your sanity
01.05.06 - There is no Dana, only Zu'ul
01.04.06 - Danger Will Robinson, Danger!
01.03.06 - Mission Accomplished - Victory In The War On Christmas!
12.29.05 - I wish I could hum the titles
12.29.05 - I wait patiently for Fenris to swallow the sun
12.29.05 - I may be derivative, but I'm also predictable
12.29.05 - Fun facts from the Cavalry!
12.23.05 - Compliments of the Season
12.23.05 - Look, multiple topics!
12.23.05 - Gay cowboy movie depressing, short on sex
12.23.05 - No recourse but death
12.22.05 - Necessity
12.22.05 - \"Whoville changed everything\" - The War on Christmas
12.21.05 - He did it first!
12.20.05 - Credible threats
12.19.05 - On the nature of assumptions
12.16.05 - I read it for the articles
12.16.05 - Don't get too hopeful, it's still the xmas season
12.16.05 - Alright, fine, have it your way
12.16.05 - There are spooks in the wires
12.15.05 - Common ground
12.15.05 - So boring...
12.14.05 - What I want for xmas
12.14.05 - Will Pinter replace Chomsky when the old man goes?
12.13.05 - A matter of priorities
12.13.05 - The democratic future?
12.09.05 - C'est Fou
12.09.05 - I've had it with the FCC and their doucebaggery.
12.09.05 - Maradona would probably approve.
12.08.05 - God Bless Capitalism
12.08.05 - If I get knocked down, I get up again, bitches can't kept me down.
12.07.05 - Life's little shortcuts
12.07.05 - For your own safety, we will be monitoring your communications.
12.06.05 - It's a manifesto!
12.05.05 - Move over turfurken, make room for mini-horse.
11.30.05 - Alito hates Roe
11.30.05 - Rumsfeld vs. FAIR
11.29.05 - It's important to wear a cup around llamas.
11.29.05 - Exit strategy twarted, Bush adopts anothers
11.29.05 - Alito member in good standing (emeritus) of Trent Lott fan club
11.29.05 - The neat thing about the KGB, was that it worked as a CIA & an FBI
11.29.05 - 'They call it gentrification, I call it genocide'
11.29.05 - In a harsh reversal CIA is getting probed
11.28.05 - A Note of Style
11.28.05 - Prehensile and, amazingly, blue.
11.28.05 - I Am Tired

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