The Continuing Decline Of Western Civilization


Insert monomaniacal laugh here

via the B3ta newletter, I bring you the past in flash (supercool).

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posted by tcdowc - 8:59 pm - 04.07.06


So take off all your clothes

Something is wrong with me. Three posts in two days?! And I still don't know how the punctuation is supposed to go!

Anyway, NASA is not the only place that scientists are being muzzled. Well, kinda. Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmosphereic Administration areexperienceing a 'chilling effect' (haha), being encouraged to not make any claims or speak to the press regardless of what their work shows. Solid write-up at Ars Technica.

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posted by tcdowc - 11:19 pm - 04.06.06


What an underwhelming comeback

The world goes on. Probably better this way. The Koofax Award Winners for 2005 have been posted. Highlights of the Sandys include:

The Bluegrass Report ties for first in Best State Or Local Blog. Hooray! Apparently its had quite the impact in Frankfort. Comments in the voting include the following from 'Jeff': This site is important not just because it's well designed and informative and a great gathering place for political insiders and junkies, but because it is our only voice. It's the only entity that fights the Republican partisan power plays as well as own party's corruption and the inept media when they deserve it. Bluegrass Report is closely read by the insiders and the elected officials as well as the newsrooms. It's not just good. It's effective.

Also, eh, that's it. Nobody else I liked won. Including Fafblog. You will rue the day you gave Giblets the cold shoulder intarwubs!

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posted by tcdowc - 10:40 pm - 04.06.06


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This Blog Is A Failed State - 01.30.07

I'm good thanks for askin' - 10.01.06

Judge bitch-slaps Bush, NSA, and DOJ - 08.17.06

News of the world - 08.15.06

Is lethargy an appropriate response to atrocity? - 07.10.06

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