The Continuing Decline Of Western Civilization


Quickly, before they come home!

So Anna Nicole Smith has managed to get her case heard in front of the Supreme Court. Yeah, big deal, I know. Just thought I'd point out that the Bush administration has chimed in on the case in support of Smith, or rather, in the crucial conservative cause of maintaining questionable federal jurisdiction at the expense of the states.

London's Natural History Museum has enlisted the assistance of Damien Hirst's people for the display of a large giant squid.

If Bush's proposed budget is fo reals, then enrolled veterans will have to be kicked off of the rolls (or 'veteran' will have to be redefined) to the tune of "tens of thousands" of people. Luckily, Bush's previous budgets have shown that these future figures are from the land of make-believe.

Lastly, some Iraq civil war news. The numbers of deaths in the wake of the recent mosque bombing reported by the media and the Army are far too low, as Bagdad's largest morgue is reporting more than 1300 deaths. So many that they've automated the process of identifying the dead. It's worth bearing in mind that these are individual kills by self-styled executioners, not groups kills via bombings.

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posted by tcdowc - 11:50 pm - 02.28.06


Willie Nelson and his gay agenda

I've been made aware of this fantastically funny wing-nut op-ed by Michael Westfall. I sorry, but I have to view this in the same light as I do Bill O'Reilly: brilliant satire so convincing that it's indistiguishable from the real thing. Some quotations:

At one time country music meant mom, home and apple pie. Men were men and �the ladies were glad of it�. Country music�s formula was filled with family values, nostalgia and the issues that everyday families face.

This is where everyone talks about Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard & Hank Williams (any one of the three).

Some female singers eagerly become scorching risqu� singers in their videos to help market their songs. Sex sells and they make it exceedingly pleasant for viewers to listen to their filthy and outrageous lyrics as they gyrate around in various stages of undress. These female entertainers don�t care what their images do to those who watch as they bump, grind and shamelessly slither their way to becoming soon forgotten celebrities.


Yes, Willie Nelson and his gay agenda is an example of how things have changed in the last fifty years.

HAHAHAHAHA! No, seriously, Willie Nelson and his gay agenda. But you gotta love how country music has replaced rock and/or roll as the devil's music.

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posted by tcdowc - 11:38 pm - 02.28.06


hee hee hee ha ha

I probably shouldn't put this here, but via b3ta, it's Frank's random joke generator! May not be work safe. It's quite random.

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posted by tcdowc - 11:56 pm - 02.23.06


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This Blog Is A Failed State - 01.30.07

I'm good thanks for askin' - 10.01.06

Judge bitch-slaps Bush, NSA, and DOJ - 08.17.06

News of the world - 08.15.06

Is lethargy an appropriate response to atrocity? - 07.10.06

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